The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

Problems on Ages

Ages - Aptitude

1. Kumar's age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back. What is the present age of Kumar?

A. 12

B. 10

C. 14

D. 13



Option: B


Consider Kumar's present age is X years

Kumar's age after 15 years = present age + 15 years = (X + 15)

Kumar's age 5 years back=present age - 5 years = (X - 5)

Kumar's age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back

i.e) 5(X - 5)

present age => X + 15 = 5(X - 5)

X + 15 = 5X - 25

4X = 40

i.e)X = 10


2. The ages of two persons differ by 14 years. If 4 years ago, the elder one be 3 times as old as the younger one, find their present ages.

A. 11 & 25

B. 10 & 24

C. 12 & 26

D. 13 & 27



Option: A


Consider the age of younger person be X

ages of two person differ by 14 years. i.e) the age of elder person = X + 14

4 years ago the elder one age is 3 times older than younger one

i.e) age of elder one 4 years ago be (X + 14 - 4) = (X + 10) and younger one age at that time be (X - 4)

i.e) 3 (X - 4) = (X + 10)

3X - 12 = X + 10

2X = 22

younger one's present age X = 11 years

i.e) present age of elder one be (X + 14) = (11 + 14) = 25 years


3. The product of the ages of Swetha and Nikita is 240. If twice the age of Nikita is more than Swetha's age by 4 years, What is Nikita's age?

A. 10 years

B. 14 years

C. 15 years

D. 12 years



Option: D


Let the swetha's age be X

as the product of swetha and nikita ages are 240. Nikita age will be


Twice the age of Nikita is more than swetha's age by 4 years.

i.e) 2 * (
)= 4
480 - X2
= 4

480 - X2= 4X


Reduce the equation into factors as (X + 24)(X - 20)

since X cannot be negative X = 20

Nikita's age

) = 12 Years


4. Ajay's age after 6 years will be three-seventh of his father's age. Ten years ago, the ratio of their ages was 1:5. What is ajay's father's age at present?

A. 40 years

B. 50 years

C. 45 years

D. 55 years



Option: B


Considering the ratio's let the ages of ajay and his father 10 years ago be X and 5X Years

ajay's age after 6 Years = (X + 10) + 6 = X + 16 Years

Father's age after 6 years = (5X + 10) + 6 = 5X + 16 years

Ajay's age after 6 years will be three-seventh of his father's age

i.e) (X + 16) = 3 / 7(5X + 16)

7(X + 16) = 3(5X + 16)

7X + 112 = 15X + 48

8X = 64. i.e) X = 8

i.e) Ajay's father's present age = (5X + 10) = ((5 * 8) + 10) = 50 Years


5. One year ago, the ratio of Ajith's and Ashok's age was 6:7 respectively. Four years hence, this ratio would become 7:8. How old is Ashok?

A. 30 years

B. 26 years

C. 36 years

D. 28 years



Option: C


Let Ajith's & Ashok's age 1 year ago be 6X and 7X Years(Considering the ratio's)

Ajith's and Ashok's present ages be (6X + 1) and (7X + 1) Years

Ajith age after 4 years = (6X + 1) + 4 = 6X + 5 Years

Ashok age after 4 years = (7X + 1) + 4 = 7X + 5 Years

after 4 years their ratio would be 7:8. i.e)

6X + 5
7X + 5

8(6X + 5) = 7( 7X + 5)

48X + 40 = 49X + 35

X = 5

i.e) Ashok's present age = (7X + 1) = ((7 * 5) + 1) = 36 years


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