The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Interview Questions for Freshers

11. What is an escape sequence in C?

In C Programming, the word escape sequences means to escape the character from the sequences of words and give special meaning to the escaped character. Refer for More C Escape Sequences.

12. What are the different types of constants in C?

  • Integer Constant
  • Floating Point Constant
  • Character Constant
  • String Constant

Refer for More C Constants.

13. How many keywords or reserved wordsin C?

There are 32 keywords. Refer for More C Keywords.

14. Define comma(,) Operator in C?

The comma operator is used to separate two or more expression. Where first expression1 is evaluated, then expression2 is evaluated, and the value of expression2 is returned for the whole expression. Refer for More Comma Operator.

15. Define Conditional Operator in C?

The conditional operator is sometimes called a ternary operator because it involves three operands. It is best understood by considering the following example: younger = son < father ? 18 : 40; Refer for More C Conditional Operator.

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