The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Storage Classes Interview Questions

36. Define storage classes and what are the different types of storage classes in C?

A storage class defines the scope, visibility and life-time of variables. Refer For More C Storage Classes

  • auto storage class
  • static storage class
  • register storage class
  • extern storage class

37. Define auto storage class?

  • All variables declared inside a function without any storage classes keyword is considered as auto storage class by default.
  • In auto storage class a memory is allocated automatically to the variables when the function is called and deallocates automatically when the function exits.
  • Variables under auto storage classes are local to the block or function. So, it is also called as local variables.
  • The keyword auto is rarely used because all uninitialized variables are said to have auto storage classes.

Refer For More C Auto Storage Classes

38. Define static storage class?

  • A static variable is a variable that tells the compiler to retain the value until the program terminates.
  • They are created once when the function is called, even though the function gets repeated it retains the same value and exists until the program terminates.
  • The default value of static variable is zero(0).
  • The keyword for a variable to declared under static storage class is static

Refer For More C Static Storage Classes

39. Define register storage class?

  • Register variables are similar to auto variables. The only difference is register variables are stored in CPU register instead of memory.
  • Register variables are faster than normal variables. Mostly programmers uses register to store frequently used variables.
  • Programmers can store only few variables in the CPU register because size of register is less.
  • The keyword for a variable to declared under register storage class is register.

Refer For More C Register Storage Classes

40. Define extern storage class?

  • extern variable is a programmer's shorthand to represent external variable.
  • extern variables are also known as global variables because extern variables are declared above the main function.
  • So, the variables can be accessed by any function.
  • We can also access extern variables of one file to another file. But make sure both files are in same folder. The keyword for a variable to declared under extern storage class is extern.

Refer For More C Extern Storage Classes

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