The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Null Pointer vs Void Pointer

Comparing null pointer and void pointer is totally insane. Below table describles clearly about null pointer and void pointer.

Null Pointer vs Void Pointer - Table Representation

The following table clearly compare Null pointer against void pointer.

Null Pointer Void Pointer
Null pointer is specially reserved value of a pointer. Void pointer is a specific pointer type.
Null pointer suits well for all datatypes. Void itself a datatype of size 1.
int, char, float, long, double are all datatypes are supported. void datatype is alone supported.
Null pointer is used for assigning 0 to a pointer variable of any type. Void pointer is used for storing address of other variable irrespective of its datatype.

Pictorical View

The following diagram clearly demonstrate that comparing void pointer and null pointer is very much likely to compare apple with van and not apple with windows

null pointer vs void pointer in c

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