The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Error Handling

In C programming, the error may occurred while writing into a file or reading from a file.

ferror() - Error Handling

The ferror() function is used detect error while reading or writing a file.

C program - ferror()

Lets try to code using ferror() and have some fun.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char ch[100];
FILE *fptr;     //File pointer declaration
fptr = fopen("info.txt", "w ");     //the function fopen opens the text file
fputs("This function is used to change the position of file pointer", fptr);
fseek(fptr, 5, 0);
fgets(ch, 50, fptr);
printf("\nError:Reading a file is not allowed in write mode. ");
fclose(fptr);     //the function closes the opened file
return 0;
  • Error:Reading file not allowed.


The ferror function used to find out the errors during writing and reading a file.

perror() - Error Handling

The perror() function is used to display errors which are specified by compilers.

C program - perror()

Lets try to code using perror() and have some fun.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char ch[100];
FILE *fptr;     //File pointer declaration
fptr = fopen("info1.txt", "r ");     //the function fopen opens the text file
if(fptr == NULL)
perror("folk text file ");
fclose(fptr);     //the function closes the opened file
return 0;
  • folk text file:No such file or directory

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