The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C File Write

The following functions are used to write data into a file.

  • fprintf()
  • fputc()
  • fputs()

Files - fprintf()

The fprintf() function is used to write sequence of characters, integers, floats, etc. by using appropriate format specifier specified data type.

C program - fprintf()

Lets try to code using fprintf() and have some fun.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;     //File pointer declaration
char name[40];
int age;
fptr = fopen("record.txt", "w ");     //the function fopen opens the record text file
printf("\nEnter your name : ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("\nEnter your age : ");
fprintf(fptr,"%s", name);    //the entered name is written in to the file
fprintf(fptr,"%d ", age);    //the entered age is written to the file
fclose(fptr);     //the function closes the opened file
return 0;
  • Enter your name : siva
  • Enter your age : 21


The program shows that the fprintf function is used to store the name and age into the file record.txt.

Files - fputc()

The fputc() function also used to write into an opened file. But it writes a single character at a time.

C program - fputc()

Lets try to code using fputc() and have some fun.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;     //File pointer declaration
char ch;
fptr = fopen("record.txt", "a ");     //the function fopen opens the record text file
printf("\nEnter characters with a space to write into a file press 'y 'to stop writing : ");
while(ch != 'y')
fputc(ch, fptr);
fclose(fptr);     //the function closes the opened file
return 0;
  • Enter characters with a space to write into a file press 'y 'to stop writing : f u n y


The program shows that the fputc function is used to store entered character through variable ch into the file record.txt.

Files - fputs()

The fputs() function used to write sequence of characters into file without the opened file. The fputs() function is used write a string into a file.

C program - fputs()

Lets try to code using fputs() and have some fun.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;     //File pointer declaration
char name[40], city[40];
fptr = fopen("record.txt", "w ");     //the function fopen opens the record text file
printf("\nEnter your name : ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("\nEnter your city : ");
scanf("%s", city);
fputs(name, fptr);    //the entered name is written in to the file
fputs(city, fptr);    //the entered age is written to the file
fclose(fptr);     //the function closes the opened file
return 0;
  • Enter your name : Sundar
  • Enter your city : Delhi


The program shows that the fputs function is used to store the name and age into the file record.txt.

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