The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Formatted IO Functions

Input data or output results are formatted as per requirement. Formatted function improves the readability of the input and output. Formatted functions can be used to read and write data of all data type(char, int, float, double). Formatted input and output functions require format specifiers(%c, %d, %f, %lf) to identify the type of data.

scanf() Function

Scanf function reads all types of data value from input devices (or) from a file. The address operator '&' is to indicate the memory location of the variable. This memory location is used to store the data which is read through keyboard.

scanf() Function Program

#include <stdio.h> //header file section
int main()
int a, b, c;
printf("Enter the value of a = ");
scanf("%d",&a) ; //read value a through keyboard
printf("\nEnter the value of b = ");
scanf("%d",&b); //read value b through keyboard
c = a + b;
printf("\na + b = %d ",c); //Print the sum of two value a and b
return 0;
  • Enter the value of a = 6
  • Enter the value of b = 4
  • a + b = 10

Width specifier program

#include <stdio.h> //header file section
int main()
printf("\n%.2s","abcdefg ");
printf("\n%.3s","abcdefg ");
printf("\n%.4s","abcdefg ");
printf("\n%.5s","abcdefg ");
printf("\n%.6s","abcdefg ");
return 0;
  • ab
  • abc
  • abcd
  • abcde
  • abcdef


Output itself shows the process done by %.2s, %.3s, etc..

scanf to Get Input

#include <stdio.h> //header file section
int main()
float a, b, c, d;
printf("Enter three float numbers:\n ");
scanf("\n %f %f %f ",&a,&b,&c);
d = (a + b + c)/3;
printf("\nAverage of given number is %f ",d);
return 0;
  • Enter three float numbers:
  • 4.5
  • 4.5
  • 5.0
  • Average of given number is 4.666667


Here, three float variables a, b and c read through scanf() function. The resultant average value is stored in a variable d.

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