The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Logical Operators

Why Logical Operator?

By learning relational operator, you should have a general idea how to use conditions in if statements by now, but imagine if you what to check two condition to execute certain sets of statement. what you will be doing there

Option A

  • Using nested if statement( 2 if statements one after another) to evaluate two condition.

Option B

  • Make use of Logical Operators


Though option A looks classic it fails in either or condition. In such case you are insisted to make use of Logical Operators with no choices.

Logical Operator in C

  • Logical operators are used to check (or) compare the logical relations between the expressions.
  • Logical operator, returns 1 if given condition is true, 0 if given condition is false.

Logical Operator flow

C provides 3 logical operator for comparing numeric quantities.


Logical Operator Table:

Operator Description Example Return Value
&& Logical AND 7 > 3 && 8 > 5 1
|| Logical OR 7 > 3 || 8<5 1
! Logical NOT 5 != 5 0

Logical AND Operator

Let us write a C program to demonstrate logical AND operator

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 20;
int b = 10;
int c = 15;
if(a<b && b<c)
printf(" C is the greatest number of all");
printf(" C is not greatest number of all");
return 0;
  • C is not greatest number of all


Here printf statement next to if conditional statement will execute only both conditions inside if statement is true otherwise else part will be executed.

Logical OR Operator

Let us write a C program to demonstrate logical OR operator

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 20;
int b = 10;
int c = 15;
if(c>a || c>b)
printf(" C is not smallest and may not biggest of all ");
printf(" C is smallest of all");
return 0;
  • C is not smallest and may not biggest of all


Here printf statement next to if conditional statement will execute even either condition is true.

Logical NOT Operator

Let us write a C program to demonstrate logical NOT operator

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 20;
int b = 10;
if(a != b )
printf("a is not equal to b");
printf(" a is equal to b");
return 0;
  • a is not equal to b


Here printf statement next to if conditional statement executes as a and b are different in numbers.

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