The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Relational Operators

What Is Relational Operator?

  • Relational operators are used to compare arithmetic, logical and character expressions.
  • If the condition is "true" it returns 1, otherwise, it returns 0.
Relational Operators in C

Relational operator Types

C Programming provides 6 relational operators for comparing numeric quantities.

Operator Description Example Return Value
> Greater than 5 > 3 1
< Less than 5 < 3 0
<= Less than equal to 5 <= 5 1
>= Greater than equal to 6 >= 5 1
== Equal to 5 == 3 0
!= Not equal to 3 != 3 0

Relational Operator Program

Let us write a C program to demonstrate

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("\nCond.\t Return"); //Cond. stands for Condition
printf("\n5 > 3  :\t %d",5 > 3);
printf("\n5 < 3  :\t %d",5 < 3);
printf("\n5 <= 5 :\t %d",5 >=5);
printf("\n6 >= 5 :\t %d",6 >=5);
printf("\n5 == 3 :\t %d",5 == 3);
printf("\n3 != 3 :\t %d",3 != 3);
return 0;
  • Cond.     Return
  • 5 > 3   :      1
  • 5 < 3   :      0
  • 5 <= 5 :      1
  • 6 >= 5 :      1
  • 5 == 3 :      0
  • 3 != 3  :      0


Here true condition returns 1 and false condition returns 0.

Relational Operator In Conditional Statement

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 5;
int b = 10;
if(a < b)
printf("a is the smallest number");
printf("b is the smallest number");
return 0;
  • a is the smallest number


Here less than conditional operator is used to check whether a is smaller than b

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