The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

Scope Resolution Operator In C

Scope Resolution operator tells the compiler to use global variable instead of local variable. A variable followed by scope Resolution operator must be initialized globally. Scope Resolution operator is represented by the symbol ::.

Scope Resolution Operator

Scope resolution operator program

Unfortunately, C programming doesn't support scope resolution operator. So by making using C Plus Plus with an extention .cpp to learn scope resolution operator for future use.

#include <stdio.h> //header file section
int value();        // function declaration
int a = 7;          //variable a is declared globally
int main()
value();           //calling a function
return 0;
int value()
int a = 5;
printf("The value of a = %d ",a);
printf("\nThe value of a = %d ",::a);
return 0;
  • The value of a = 5
  • The value of a = 7


Here, the second printf tells the compiler to use global variable instead of local variable.

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