The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Static Storage Class

What Is Static Storage Class

  • A static variable is a variable that tells the compiler to retain the value until the program terminates.
  • They are created once when the function is called, even though the function gets repeated it retains the same value and exists until the program terminates.
  • The default value of static variable is zero(0).
  • The keyword for a variable to declared under static storage class is static
C Static Storage Class

Syntax - Static Storage Class

static int st;

C program - Static Storage Class

Let's workout a program to demonstrate static storage class in C.

#include <stdio.h>
//function declaration
void subfun();
int main()
return 0;
//function definition
void subfun()
static int st = 1;  //static variable declaration
printf("\nst = %d ", st);
  • st = 1
  • st = 2
  • st = 3


The program illustrates that, when the function is called, the static variable inside a function is initialized to 1 and retains the incremented value for the upcoming function calls.


Keyword static
Storage Type Memory
Scope Block Scope
Life Time Static life time
Visibility Local/Global
Default Value 0
Default Storage Class No

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