The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Switch Statement

switch statement

We use the switch statement to select from multiple choices that are identified by a set of fixed values for a given expression. The expression that selects a choice must produce a result of an integer type other than long, or a string, or a value of an enumeration type. Thus, the expression that controls a switch statement can result in a value of type char, int, short, long, string, or an enumeation constant.

C switch Syntax And Facts

  • A switch statement is an alternative to if-else-if statement.
  • The switch statement has four important elements.
  • The test expression
  • The case statements
  • The break statements
  • The default statement

C Switch Syntax

Syntax Switch Statement

switch ( variable )
case value1:
case value2:

Switch Statement Flowchart

The following flowchart clearly illustrate how switch statement works

switch statement flowchart

C Switch Statement Program

Let's take a look at the switch statement in action. In the following program we will greet either dad or mom or yourself.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int choice;
printf("Press 1 to greet your dad\n ");
printf("Press 2 to greet your mom\n ");
printf("Press 3 to greet yourself\n ");
scanf("%d ",&choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
printf("\nHello dad,How are you? ");
case 2:
printf("\nHello mom,How are you? ");
case 3:
printf("\nHello awesome,How are you? ");
printf("\nInvalid choice ");
return 0;
  • Press 1 to greet your dad
  • Press 2 to greet your mom
  • Press 3 to greet yourself
  • 1
  • Hello dad,How are you?


The above program offers three choices to a user. A choice(number) entered by the user is stored in a variable choice. In switch() statement the value is checked with all the case constants. The matched case statement is executed in which the line is printed according to the user's choice. If user's choice doesn't match with any case statement, then a statement followed by default will be executed.

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