The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Type Casting

What Type Casting Is?

Generally, Type Casting is the procedure or a way to convert one thing to another. For example consider your friend bob has a bushy hairstyle, everyone of you teasing bob everyday, thus bob decided to change his hairstyle, in the very next day bob went to barber shop and got a spike hairstyle and attracted everyone. Clearly, bob is type casted from bushy hairstyle to spike hairstyle. Here typecasting in done in barber shop.

Type Casting in C

Type Casting in C

C compilers allowed programmers to convert from one data type to another data type by using type cast method. Type casting is also known as type conversion.

Type Casting Rules

  • Type casting can be used to convert lower datatypes to higher datatypes and viceversa e.g.) int (2 bytes) to float (4 bytes).
  • The type name to which conversion is to be done is placed in a closed parenthesis just before the variable. e.g.) if a float variable 'f' has a value 7.5, it can be converted into an integer type using (int)f.

Type Casting Lower Datatype Conversion

Let us write a C program to typecasting int datatype to float datatype

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 3;
int b = 2;
int c;
printf("The value of c = %f ",(float)a/b);
return 0;
  • The value of c = 1.500000


Variables a, b, c belongs to integer data type, where actual result will be in float. Thus, we are in need to typecast the data type of variable 'c' from an intfloat.

Type Casting Higher Datatype Conversion

Let us write a c program to typecasting float datatype to int datatype

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float a = 3.56;
printf("The value of a = %d ",(int)a);
return 0;
  • The value of a = 3


Variables a belongs to float datatype, which is typecasted to int datatype in the printf statement. Thus integer output is displayed.

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