The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Printf Questions

In most of the MNC interview questions such as in ZOHO interview question, IVTL Infoview interview questions, Amazon interview questions, GOOGLE interview questions, Infosys interview questions and even in Voonik interview questions, We come across several Tricky C Questions about which 2:5 of the questions are from Printf in c. Solving that kind of tricky C questions is not an easy task for all C programmers. We need more practices to solve it with ease. So we provide 25+ interesting C questions in Printf to make your MNC interview very easy.

C Printf Questions and Answers

1. What will be the output of the C program?

int main()
	return 0;

A. compilation error

B. Runtime error


D. 2braces.com11



Option: D


Compiler execution for printf("%d",printf("")); starts from left to right. when compiler reads %d, then it will look for some variable or number or expression on righthand side following after comma operator(,).

Now printf("%d",printf("")); becomes printf("%d",11); and is printed to the screen . Now outer printf executed and display 11 next to


2. What will be the output of the C program?

int main()
	int a = 3;
	return 0;

A. Garbage Value

B. Runtime Error

C. 3

D. Compilation error



Option: A


As there is no declaration of variable a in printf function, a standard C compiler printf some garbage value as an output.

This program is tested under Dev cpp and in standard online c compiler.


3. What will be the output of the C program?

int main()
	char *ptr = "Hello World";
	return 0;

A. pointer cannot be initialized

B. lo World

C. Runtime error

D. llo World



Option: D


In printf, initial address of *ptr is incremented by 2 , thus it neglect He


4. What will be the output of the C program in 32 bit c compiler?

int main()
	int a = 1;
	printf("%d %p",a,a);
	return 0;

A. Runtime error

B. 1 00000001

C. 1 1

D. %p is not a format specifier



Option: B


%p is a format specifier to print a pointer in printf or sprintf.

For 64 bit c compiler, the output will be 1 0x1


5. What will be the output of the C program?

static struct student
	int a;
	int b;
int main()
	printf("%d %d",struct_var.a,struct_var.b);
	return 0;

A. Runtime Error

B. Improper representation of structure variable

C. Compilation error

D. 2 3



Option: D


Here structure variables are initialized to the data type of the membernames. Thus it prints 2 3 as an output

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