The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

What is Magnetic Flux

The region around a permanent magnet or the cirucular space around a current carrying conductor occupied by the lines of force is called the magnetic field of force or magnetic field. Usually, the magnetic field is representing by imaginary lines of force known as magnetic flux. These flux lines form a closed path and the path followed by the flux lines is known as magnetic circuit. The unit of magnetic flux is Weber (Wb) and is represented by the letter, Φ

Properties of Magnetic Flux

  • The magnetic flux lines are only imaginary lines.
  • Each line of magnetic flux forms a closed loop
  • Magnetic flux lines do not intersect each other.
  • They behave like stretched elastic threads and always try to shorten themselves.
  • The magnetic flux which are parallel and in same direction repel one another.

What is Magnetic Flux Density

The magnetic flux density is the magnetic flux per unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux. Magnetic flux density is usually denoted by the letter, B and its unit is Tesla (wb / mtr2) If a magnetic flux (Φ) is passing through an area (A), then the magnetic flux density B is given by

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