The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

Network Terminologies

Type Description
Circuit A conducting path through which an electric current flows is called a circuit
Electric network A combination of various circuit elements, connected in any manner is known as electric network.
Linear circuit A circuit is considered as linear circuit if its impedance does'nt changes with the applied voltage.Example: Fixed speed induction motor.
Non linear circuit A circuit is considered as Non linear circuit if its impedance changes with the applied voltage.Example: Personal computer, Mobile phone etc.
Circuit parameters The various elements of an electric circuit are called its parameters like capacitance, resistance, inductance etc.
Bilateral circuit A bilateral circuit is one whose properties or characteristics are the same in eitheir direction.Example: AC transmission line.
Unilateral circuit When a properties or characteristics change with the direction of its operation, then a circuit is called as Unilateral circuit Example: Diode rectifier
Active network An active network is one which contains one or more source of EMF.
Passive network A passive network is one which does not contain any single source of EMF.
Node A node is a junction in a circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected together.
Branch The part of a network which lies between two junctions is called a branch.
Loop A loop is a closed path in a network formed by a number of connected branches.
Mesh Any path which contains no internal paths within it is called a mesh . Thus, a loop may contains meshes but a mesh does not contain a loop.
Lumped circuit The circuits in which circuit elements can be represented mutually independent and not interconnected.

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