The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs

C Nested if Statement

Why Nested if Statement

The statement that is executed when an if expression is true can be another if, as can the statement in an else clause. This enables you to express such convoluted logic as "if age of Lingcoln is greater than age of john "and if age of Lingcoln is greater than age of renu". Then we decide Lingan is elder of all

nested if statement

Syntax and Definition Nested if statement

  • In C programming, control statements like as if can be nested, that means we can write one within another.
  • If outer if statement fails, then the compiler skips the entire block irrespective of their inner if statement.

Syntax nested if statement

here goes statements;

Nested if Statement Flowchart

The following flowchart will clearly demonstrate how nested if statement works

nested if statement flowchart

Program Nested if statement

Let us write a C program using Nested if statement

#include <stdio.h> //header file section
int main()
int a = 47, b = 25, c = 3;
if (a > b)
if (a > c)
printf("The value a is greater than b and c ");
printf("\nThis is normal flow ");
return 0;
  • The value a is greater than b and c
  • This is normal flow


When the first if statement executed, the value 'a' is compared with value 'b', if the expression is true, then inner if statement executed, the inner expression compares the value a with value c, if the inner if statement also true, the compiler will display the output.

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